E8.12 Copy version code to new ube


Is there a tool that will copy version code to a new ube ? I thought code copycat from Everest did the same, but not finding it. Any alternative solution
Correct, CCC does that among other things, but we are not updating it to x64, therefore we took it down. It's still available in x32 bit, so depending on your scenario, you may still be able to make use of it. Please email us directly, if you need the x32 bit version of this tool.
Possible solution is to manually copy the version code from the original UBE and paste it into the new UBE. This may be a bit more time-consuming, but it can ensure that the version code is accurately transferred to the new UBE. Additionally, you may want to check if there are any dependencies or configurations that need to be updated in the new UBE to ensure that it works correctly with the copied version code.
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