Variable Creation tool

If I select the prefix and suffix radio button, I would expect the variable name on the left be changed. Mine is not. I could be doing something wrong. see attached

Appears I have to press and hold the control key to select multiple fields. Not the end of the world. A check box to the left of the of the DD column would be more "jde" way :)

Great work as always


  • Example.jpg
    27.3 KB · Views: 32
The variable options (prefix, suffix) are assigned when the items are retrieved, so you can make the selections and hit the Get button (again if you have already). Assigning them in response to the radio button changes seemed logical, but with the introduction of the custom textboxes it got a bit blurry. Do we change the variable names when tabbing out of the text box?

I'm using the standard windows list view control so it's the stock control/shift selection.

thanks for the feedback.
Thanks Craig :)

I'll try this week but I've been up to my eyes in other stuff this week. Maybe tomorrow I'll have a go :)
Just downloaded and installed the CreateVar. Dang, wish I had done that last week when I needed to create 35 variables from a file...

Really great addition to the development process. Thanks!

Very nice work! I tried with both a prefix and suffix and it worked great. Out of curiosity, will it work with tools 9.2.*? I'm currently on tools and it works fine. Thank you again!
Thanks to everyone, glad you find it useful. Don, yes I have been using with 9.2* without any issues.


I hate it when Craig throws us Free Stuff (Mostly because I feel guilty using it). Put a Donation Button on your site!

Craig - I owe you dinner (just not drinks) at the next Collaborate, InFocus, Summit or where-ever I get to see you. I like this, and it will help me out - GREATLY!

Thanks db. Yes, look forward to a time we can hangout again.

Here's an updated version with better support for data structures. It was using the DD item as the variable name, now it will use the member name.



    16.6 KB · Views: 109
Hi Craig

I've installed it on E910 and it works well, thank you.

Please could you provide an option to allow a prefix to be specified instead of using the data type? I've got the latest version now - this works awesome

Also is it possible to get this to work with E810?

Kind regards
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Variable Creation Tool

View attachment JDE Variable Assist-Mismatch Prefix.pdf

Hi Craig,

I tried the latest release that you published on 9/23 and the program did something funky. First, I entered a custom table F55WK03 and added prefix = WK and suffix = 3 and then clicked "Add DD Items" but I did not saved them, in fact I clicked "Cancel" and exit RDA. Then I went back to this program (same section, same event) and when clicked on "Variables" I noticed that it kept the table name F55WK03 with the values for prefix and suffix. I then typed F0101 in the Object box and changed prefix to AA and suffix to 5. I select three fields and clicked the "Add DD Items" button. The program pulled the three fields that I selected to the left pane but with the previous prefix WK and suffix 3. (see attached at top)

I tried this a second time and the same result but didn't put any prefix and suffix on the first table which is why the fields were pulled with the default name. (see attached below)

View attachment JDE Var Assist-Mismatch 2.pdf

One last thing, it looks like the CreateVar program stays running even after exiting E1. The issue with this is when signing back on again it skips the sign-on screen.

On the up-side, I have to say that I like it and thank you for always thinking on us developers. :)

Try it this way ... make your format selection (prefix, suffix etc.) before hitting get. This will retrieve all the DD items and format them as you like. Or just hit get a second time after seeing the DD items and making your choice. Clicking Add DD Items takes exactly what is in the list and adds them. That is why you can manually override any variable name.

Get will retrieve the DD items. The format options are applied to the retrieved items. Then choose which ones to add.

Yes, it stays active. I'm toying with having it close when activconsole.exe terminates.

thanks for the feedback,
Hi Craig

The prefix and suffix is not working for me? EDIT....yes it does :)

As you say, fill in the values you want BEFORE clicking Get.

This is awesome stuff :)
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The Post is so interesting you also provides great tools works really nice. I agree with nkuebelbeck, we need go button to display the variable.If you have any other features tools please share us to increase our knowledge.

When I am running this tool getting the below errors... Does anyone faced this issue? Using with DEMO 9.2


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Good afternoon,

I have tested this new version into the E910 and it works perfectlly ! So much thanks for the solution man.

Best regards,


Here's an updated version with better support for data structures. It was using the DD item as the variable name, now it will use the member name.

Hello Craig,

Try to run createvar.exe (Latest version) but unfortunately, I've got the Database Password Entry Windows (Database System - 920)

error createvar.jpg
What's the trouble ?
