E9.2 REST vs SOAP APIs in 9.2


Hi all,

I'm a relative noob to JDE but am working in an environment that's just upgraded from 9.0 to 9.2 and I have a question about APIs.

Currently all our API integrations are using SOAP endpoints, and I'm wondering if there are any benefits to moving to REST as far as JDE is concerned? Are there any functional or performance differences? Apparently, there are some outstanding issues on our integrations (for which I don't yet have the details on root cause) and I was keen to find out whether porting the code to use the REST endpoints would make any difference.

FWIW the core things these integrations are doing are raising, updating and closing work orders.



Bringing your infra up to industry standards should be a good enough reason to do just that IMO :) Soap is out, Rest is (currently) it.

Oracle Bug 30648181 mentions that Orchestrator can't currently consume SOAP webservices, so if your company was making a strategic move to Orchestrator (which is a viable integrations platform as of 9.2, minus soap connectivity :LOL:), then you'd want to adjust accordingly if you had the power.
Depends! If third party expose as SOAP XML use BSSV else use REST with orchestrator. If third party consume REST (it going to be standard industry) expose with REST orchestrator else SOAP. If third party is implemented in java usually it easier consume with SOAP, if it javascript consume REST easier. But there are ESB solutions (as OIC, Mulesoft, etc. to do conversion between and message intermediate).

Integrate with orchestrator it's common easier than bssv, but with bssv is more flexible (almost for me, if you know how to get around, and there are a lot of thousands open source and commercial package and solutions to java) and robust (for example, in Spain most intitutuions expose in SOAP because is most robust and safe). Deploy UDO's it's fast, easy, not neccesary stop, with bssv you need compile all bssv, dependences, stop server, deploy, start server.

But as say Dave, industry and commercial solutions trend to REST because is easier and fast of implement.

Best regards.
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