E9.2 Search and select form is not captured in Process recorder



We are in Update 8 and tools release
We are using Address book required field setup process. When manually creating customers with similar addresses, a potential duplicate records search and select form appears. Users tend to ignore this screen and continue creating the customer record.

Now, we are trying to automate the customer creation process using orchestration with the process recorder and return the previously assigned address number to integration team.

The process recorder does not capture the potential duplicate records search and select form in the form request. As a result, the orchestration throws a warning, and we are unable to retrieve the previously assigned address number. However, the record is still created in E1 as orchestration is configured to continue on warning/error.
"step": "FR-Customer Master Creation",
"iteration": 0,
"message": {
"App Stack Form Exception": {
"Expecting Form": "P03013_W03013B",
"Resulting Form": "P01012DS_W01012DSA_Version"
"JAS Response": {
"fs_P01012DS_W01012DSA": {
"title": "Potential Duplicate Address Book Entries",
"data": {},
"errors": [],
"warnings": []

We can use new version by disabling these checks in Master Business function and complete the process. But we are trying to achieve this with Master business function enabled.

Any ideas/solutions?

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Congratulations! You've graduated from only doing Form Requests via recorder, to needing to intervene manually! (though I'm surprised recorder doesn't pick up everything that happens, that's a weird one)

Make a copy of your recorded form request and make sure to duplicate the exact pocess that causes the search & select to pop up, then use the "add form after" button to manually add a form call to P01012DS|W01012DSA. Use the tool to duplicate what needs to be done on that called form.

It should work-- I have run into some maddening things with form service request from time to time, but it's usually pretty solid.
I think you are running into one of the challenges with a form request: there is no conditional processing within a form request. If I understand your issue correct, the P01012DS|W01012DSA is only going to get called when the business function detects a potential duplicate, is that correct?
Congratulations! You've graduated from only doing Form Requests via recorder, to needing to intervene manually! (though I'm surprised recorder doesn't pick up everything that happens, that's a weird one)

Make a copy of your recorded form request and make sure to duplicate the exact pocess that causes the search & select to pop up, then use the "add form after" button to manually add a form call to P01012DS|W01012DSA. Use the tool to duplicate what needs to be done on that called form.

It should work-- I have run into some maddening things with form service request from time to time, but it's usually pretty solid.
Hi Dave,

I already tried manually adding this duplicate search and select form with just a Close action. But it din't help.
I think you are running into one of the challenges with a form request: there is no conditional processing within a form request. If I understand your issue correct, the P01012DS|W01012DSA is only going to get called when the business function detects a potential duplicate, is that correct?
I want to get the return data for the record which gives warning.
This one really took me down a rabbit hole as I was not familiar with how all this functionality worked. The P01012DS is not captured by the process recorder, and adding to the form request manually provided limited results. I believe at least part of the issue has to do with the orchestrator blowing through the duplicate address warning and creating the record. I was able to capture the records if the P01012DS was the form in the request. However, it appears the previous address number field is no longer available.

Long story short, I think the only potential option would be to investigate the appstack api to see if that might help you. Even then, I would not guarantee it would work.
This one really took me down a rabbit hole as I was not familiar with how all this functionality worked. The P01012DS is not captured by the process recorder, and adding to the form request manually provided limited results. I believe at least part of the issue has to do with the orchestrator blowing through the duplicate address warning and creating the record. I was able to capture the records if the P01012DS was the form in the request. However, it appears the previous address number field is no longer available.

Long story short, I think the only potential option would be to investigate the appstack api to see if that might help you. Even then, I would not guarantee it would work.
Thanks Kevin