E9.2 Planner ESU impact on other path code package builds


Well Known Member

As part of our Rel24 upgrade process, we installed the latest Planner ESU in the planner and pristine environments. However, after doing so, a few B98xx and N98xx business functions in all other pathcodes like PY, QA and PD are going in error. We raised a SR with Oracle who recommended we apply the Planner ESU in other pathcodes as well. While this might resolve the issue, I would like to understand why this happens in the first place. The central objects, .c and .H files are patchcode specific. This also goes against the Oracle multi foundation process.


Just to update this thread, Oracle confirmed that with the Planner ESU, some BSFN's change from Client only to client/server. The LOCN flag in F9860 gets updated from 1 to 2. Either we apply the planner ESU to all pathcodes ( Oracle recommended approach) or we SQL and change the flag to 1 incase we are not yet ready to use that functionality on the web. After we changed the flag to 1 and did the full package again, the issue was resolved
This also goes against the Oracle multi foundation process.
I disagree, as that a) is about the tools release and b) a Planner ESU is only affecting base system foundation programs.
So if you say your PY920 and PD920 are on different tools releases (=you're in a multi foundation environment), you can and should still be on the latest Planner ESU in all of your environments as that's not connected. The first to do of any upgrade guide is usually "Apply latest Planner ESU" anyway, so that shouldn't hurt, ever (very careful with saying "never" 😅 ).

..concerning your problem, you already got the answer from ORACLE, which i would've suggested as well.
How can I reverse a prior year written off receivable? Two years ago, we wrote off a receivable and last week the tenant is inquiring about paying off the balance so they can continue doing business with us. Do I have to reenter the sale or is there a way to reverse the original write-off invoice?
How can I reverse a prior year written off receivable? Two years ago, we wrote off a receivable and last week the tenant is inquiring about paying off the balance so they can continue doing business with us. Do I have to reenter the sale or is there a way to reverse the original write-off invoice?
Wrong thread, eh?