E9.2 Orchestrator - No error on failure


Hi, we're testing an Orchestration and it failing to update (It would throw a form error if running the app) but the Orchestration says it's completing successfully. Any idea what would cause it to appear successful when it has an error?
Let's start with the basics "just in case". Did the orch developer possibly click "On Error > Continue" on the form request component? (I assume the update is being done via form request and not some other way... right?)

What does the output JSON say? If exception ignored per Dave's comment, you would see "ContinuedOnError" somewhere.
It would also be helpful to know the application and form you are having difficulty with, along with the tools release.
I'll try to cover all comments so far:
Yes, this is a update being done via a form request. The abort on Error is selected. The output says success, no indication of an error.
Tools release is The application is a custom version of speed status update.

There are a couple scenarios we see the issue - one example is that if not all lines are at the proper status, the app will throw an error and not move the lines. The Orch is not moving the lines (as it shouldn't) but gives no indication of the error. It is working/moving the lines when expected - if all lines are at the proper status.
Is this your bug perhaps? Bug 36705677 : FORM REQUEST RETURN FORM DATA ON W0411K DOES NOT RETURN FORM ERROR

Or is it just fate that oracle sends this out as a hot topic the day after this post :D