E8.11 Bom Component Line Number Reuse


We would like to reuse the bom line number if a component assigned with the line number is removed from the bom. Are there any configurations that allow us to reuse the line number. Thank you.
If you use ECO's and/or manually wish to maintain BOM history, you will not be able to reuse a BOM line number. If you don't use ECO's or want to keep BOM history, you can re-use the BOM line number. That being said, you should also consider whether you have any auditing or other business reasons to keep your BOM history.
If you use ECO's and/or manually wish to maintain BOM history, you will not be able to reuse a BOM line number. If you don't use ECO's or want to keep BOM history, you can re-use the BOM line number. That being said, you should also consider whether you have any auditing or other business reasons to keep your BOM history.
Thank you. BOM history in JDE is important use.
We have upstream PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) system that interfaces with JDE. When PLM system pushes a bom parent with a new component that has another obsoleted component's line number, the interface transaction fails indicating that the JDE line number is not unique. As the obsolete component line number has the past effectivity date, PLM system expects that the line number should not be treated as non-unique. I am checking this group to see how the effectivity date can be combined with line number so that at any given time snapshot, the line number is unique. Thank you.