E9.2 Access to JDE Demo Sandbox for Product Development


Hi Folks,

I would greatly appreciate if anyone can throw light on how I can get access to a JDE demo instance and database. I need this for product development.

Thanks and regards,
Well, you can of course install one yourself on-premise or on a hyperscaler of your choice. For OCI there's One-Click and Terraform servers on their Marketplace for Reference Architecture to get you going - and an all-in-one Trial Edition.

Here's a video from ORACLE on how to deploy the JDE Trial Edition on OCI: https://apexapps.oracle.com/pls/apex/dbpm/r/livelabs/view-workshop?wid=725
AutoDeploy also offers one on AWS: https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/...r=0-1&ref_=beagle&applicationId=AWSMPContessa
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